(954) 927 - PAIN (7246)

Do you suffer from back pain? neck pain? headaches? Auto Accidents | Work Injuries | Slip and Fall
Sport Physicals | School Physicals | Work Physicals

Car Insurance, Health Insurance and Cash Patients

Same Day Appointments

Mon, Wed & Fri: 9AM - 12PM, 3PM - 7PM
Tues & Thurs: 3PM - 7PM

Most Insurances Accepted | PPO| HMO| Medicare | Medicaid

7574 Pembroke Rd.
Miramar, FL 33023

Our office borders Hollywood and Pembroke Pines
Located East of University on Pembroke Road across from Perry airport

Group 1321314806

Chiropractor Care | Auto Accidents | Work Injuries | Slip and Fall |
Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation | Laser Therapy | Stretching Therapy |
State of the Art Diagnostic Testing | Fully Equipped X-Ray |
Same Day Appointments


You may remember Dr. Berger from his past local TV commercials, or you may have spotted him at a community parade or high school football game. For over 20 years, Dr. Berger has been a committed community volunteer, giving his time and regularly donating back to the local schools and little league sports teams.

Let Us Put You Back In Action

Action Chiropractic Center is located in Miramar, Florida. We offer a wide range of chiropractic services and physical therapy to get your body back in top form. Our unique approach goes beyond treating back pain and other symptoms by incorporating technology to PREVENT the body’s malfunctions and discomfort. Our Goal at Action Chiropractic is to PUT YOU BACK IN ACTION and turn your health around by relieving your pain and preventing further damage to your spine.

Vertebral Subluxation Complex, or Subluxations, is a serious form of spine and nerve damage that affect nerves, muscles, ligaments, vertebral discs, joints, bones, and internal organs. The effects can be immediate or take time (depending on many factors - age, diet, lifestyle and regularity of care).

These are just some of the many forms of pain we can help you with

Back Pain

Back Pain

Neck Pain

Neck Pain



Auto Accidents

Auto Accidents

Do you suffer from back pain, neck pain, or headaches?

Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic Care

Dr. Berger is trained to perform a diversification of chiropractic techniques. Never in the history of chiropractic have we been able to provide the level of help and expertise that now exists. These newer correction methods are even safer, more comfortable and more effective than ever before.



We teach our patients special "blueprint" exercises designed just for them to help strengthen and correct their own unique problem. These exercises can be performed in the comfort of your own home and can improve the effectiveness of your spinal correction by as much as 30-40%. In addition to skeletal misalignment, muscles and connective tissues can be out of place or strained by improper alignment and use. Specific exercises and stretches can help your body stay in balance and in health.

Lifestyle Advice

Lifestyle Advice

We teach our patients on certain activities they should avoid or how to do things differently to prevent aggravating their particular health challenge. Our goal is to help every patient achieve a fulfilling and happy lifestyle full of the activities they enjoy most. We recognize that each patient is a whole person, and help them reach true health and wellness in a collaborate effort.



We offer X-rays in our office. The need for X-ray is considered on a case by case basis for each patient. It is important to get a full picture of what is going on inside so we can better understand what may be causing your pain and symptoms.